CENTEMO Laboratory is committed to delivering the accurate microbial control of pharmaceutical drugs, APIs, excipients, Dietary Supplements, beauty, personal care and cosmetic products, microbial monitoring of production environment.

    CENTEMO Laboratory is committed to delivering the accurate microbial control of pharmaceutical drugs, APIs, excipients, Dietary Supplements, beauty, personal care and cosmetic products, microbial monitoring of production environment.


      ABOUT US

      Microbiology and Testing laboratory CENTEMO has the capability, expertise and experience to offer the highest quality services in microbiology examination and testing of APIs, excipients and medicinal drugs in order to substantiate their Microbial purity and sterility.

      We endeavor to ensure our support in:

      • Testing of Food or Dietary Supplements compliance to the safety standards;
      • Analysis to determine the Microbiological safety of beauty, personal care and cosmetic products;
      • Microbial monitoring of the production environment, testing Purified water and WFI ‘in bulk’;
      • Evaluation of antimicrobial activity of antibiotics by applying Agar Diffusion method;
      • Detection of antimicrobial activity in medicinal drugs;
      • Detection of Bacterial endotoxins by Gel-Clot technique;
      • Growth promotion tests for cultural media;
      • Evaluation of selective and diagnostic properties of media. 

      The design of the laboratory facilities provides for the clean and contaminated zones. The space-planning concept ensures the movement of PBA (Pathogenic Biological Agents) in accordance with the transition pattern for Personnel and PBA. The contaminated zone provides the appropriate arrangements for microbiological tests and examinations of the samples, handling PBA group 3-4 and their storage.  The staff entry is allowed via adjoining gowning rooms.

      More details


      Request for Quote

      +7 (495) 055-25-40


        Increase in number of analytical testings throughout 2016-2021

        To view services catalogue

        +7 (495) 055-25-40

          OUR SERVICES

          At CENTEMO Lab, all testing and analysis are performed in clean room environment:

          Following the Clients’ recovery methods on Microbiological purity and introducing proposals on testing procedure.

          Comprehensive analysis of medicinal drugs, API and excipients for Microbiological purity.

          Testing Dietary Supplements for the compliance to microbiological safety standards.

          Testing of perfumery and cosmetic products for compliance to microbiological safety standards.

          Participation in validation campaigns during the manufacture of medicinal products, as well as the qualification of the production environment.

          Sampling to perform microbiological monitoring of the production environment.

          Microbiological purity testing

          Sterility testing

          The antimicrobial activity of antibiotics

          Microbiological safety testing in Dietary supplements

          Analysis to determine the Microbiological safety of beauty, personal care and cosmetic products

          Microbial analysis of Purified Water (WFI?)

          Bacterial Endotoxin (BET)/LAL

          Microbial analysis of Purified Water

          Monitoring of production environment

          Microbiological Swabbing method to monitor contamination on the equipment surface, PPE and hands

          Analyses requested

          +7 (495) 055-25-40

            Accreditations and Certificates

            Our premises: Laboratory facility

            (Contract Testing services)

            Moscow region, 141108,

            Schelkovo Fabrichnaya str., 2

            Head Office:

            Moscow region, 141108, Schelkovo

            Fabrichnaya str., 1 bld.1, room 315

            Tel.:+7 (495) 055-25-40